Monday, February 1, 2016

Demonios de Tasmania

<Demonios de Tasmania>
Demonios de Tasmania son como el wombat. Viven en Tasmania (un estado en Australia). Son animales nocturnos, que se dice pueden ver en el noche. Y son carnivoros, que comen Koalas tambien. Son muy ferozes y pelones.
Son mis animales favoritos por que son muy ferozes. Sus armmas mas importantes son sus garras. Si yo tenia un demonio yo tendra un demonio de Tasmania.
Ahora no tengo paginas asi que es el fin.

<Tasmanian Devils>
Tasmanian Devils are in the wombat family. They live in Tasmania, a place in Australia. They are nocturnal, meaning they can see in dark. And they are carnivorous, also eat Koalas. They are very fierce and hairy.
They are my favorite animals because they are fierce and cute. Their most important weapon is their claws. If I had a daemon, I would have them as my daemon.
I guess I’m out of pages, so this is the end.