Monday, July 18, 2016

AJ's theory about why Pluto is so small

A long time ago Pluto was right in front of the Sun. It was a giant planet that weighed about 9,700,000,000,000,000 killos, but one day a large comet called the Comet X065-7 pushed Pluto away from the Sun. It was pushed around every planet in the solar system, even the cold, old Neptune. Five years later it was the farthest from the Sun and as a result became completely frozen. Pluto had been used to the Sun’s warm embracing radiation, but now it could hardly feel the warmth of the Sun.
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One time there was a meteor shower that originated far away in the galaxy. A part of the shower happened to enter the solar system. It targeted the poor, old Pluto because Pluto was at the edge of the solar system and a very large planet. The collision broke off many large chunks of Pluto, causing Pluto to shrink to its current small size. So after that Pluto has become the smallest and coldest of all planets in the solar system. It is so small that some scientists even say that it is a “dwarf planet,” not a real planet. In my humble opinion, that is kind of insulting and unfair to Pluto, because Pluto sacrificed his largeness to protect the rest of the solar system. So I think all other planets in the solar system should be grateful to Pluto. If you don’t believe my theory, look it up on
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