Friday, August 12, 2016

AJ's recipes #1: Delicious, Cheesy, Tortilla Pizza

What is tortilla pizza, or T.P. for short !
T.P is a pizza but much less complicated than your usual pizza. It has fewer toppings  and can be made in a toaster oven. Can you guess who invented It? Why, ME!!! But how did I get the idea? One day I wanted to have a pizza, but rather than ordering it I wanted to make it myself. I once had learned how to make a real pizza in Safe Haven (after school program) but didn’t remember how I had done it. So I tried an easier way. Instead of real pizza dough, I decided to use store-bought tortillas. It is a great replacement of regular pizza dough because it is faster to cook and easier to make it. You can make it alone if you are eight years old or above. Tortilla tastes crunchy if you cook it right. For the sauce I recommend Newman’s Own™ pasta sauce, which is available in any local grocery store. Now if you are wondering how to bake it… ASK SOMEONE ELSE!!! Just kidding, I’ll kindly explain it to you.

Tortilla (size xxx medium )
Any kind of cheese (best sliced thinly)
Newman’s Own pasta sauce
Salami, pepperoni (if you like meat)
(Italian) Basil

How to make:
Spread pasta sauce on tortilla, then place a lot of cheese on top.
Slice basil and pepperoni into thin pieces like pencils and place them randomly on pizza.
Put it in toaster oven and bake it for 3 minutes at 450 degrees.
Take it out (but be very careful because it will be extremely hot) and…..

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