Friday, August 12, 2016

AJ's recipes #1: Delicious, Cheesy, Tortilla Pizza

What is tortilla pizza, or T.P. for short !
T.P is a pizza but much less complicated than your usual pizza. It has fewer toppings  and can be made in a toaster oven. Can you guess who invented It? Why, ME!!! But how did I get the idea? One day I wanted to have a pizza, but rather than ordering it I wanted to make it myself. I once had learned how to make a real pizza in Safe Haven (after school program) but didn’t remember how I had done it. So I tried an easier way. Instead of real pizza dough, I decided to use store-bought tortillas. It is a great replacement of regular pizza dough because it is faster to cook and easier to make it. You can make it alone if you are eight years old or above. Tortilla tastes crunchy if you cook it right. For the sauce I recommend Newman’s Own™ pasta sauce, which is available in any local grocery store. Now if you are wondering how to bake it… ASK SOMEONE ELSE!!! Just kidding, I’ll kindly explain it to you.

Tortilla (size xxx medium )
Any kind of cheese (best sliced thinly)
Newman’s Own pasta sauce
Salami, pepperoni (if you like meat)
(Italian) Basil

How to make:
Spread pasta sauce on tortilla, then place a lot of cheese on top.
Slice basil and pepperoni into thin pieces like pencils and place them randomly on pizza.
Put it in toaster oven and bake it for 3 minutes at 450 degrees.
Take it out (but be very careful because it will be extremely hot) and…..

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Pat Bing Soo at Sull Bing in Korea

On my trip to Korea to visit my extended family I went to my uncle’s house with my cousins’ family. I stayed there for about five days. During that time I went to eat Pat Bing Soo. Bing Soo is shaved ice often made with milk and served with red bean sauce and soft rice cakes. It is a traditional Korean summer dessert. There used to be just one flavor, the red bean sauce; but now they have various kinds, such as mango, strawberry, melon, lemon, you name it! I had mango Bing Soo and my cousins both had red bean Bing Soo. The place we went was called Sull Bing. Sull is a Chinese character that means “snow.” Guess what Bing means, red bean? No! it means ice. The portion was too big, so I couldn’t finish it. My cousins ate more but I was feeling the coldest. Korean summer is super hot, but because we ate a lot of Bing Soo, we didn’t get heat exhaustion. That is all I can say about Pat Bing Soo.
P.S I liked it because it was sweet and refreshing. I recommend it highly.

Monday, July 18, 2016

AJ's theory about why Pluto is so small

A long time ago Pluto was right in front of the Sun. It was a giant planet that weighed about 9,700,000,000,000,000 killos, but one day a large comet called the Comet X065-7 pushed Pluto away from the Sun. It was pushed around every planet in the solar system, even the cold, old Neptune. Five years later it was the farthest from the Sun and as a result became completely frozen. Pluto had been used to the Sun’s warm embracing radiation, but now it could hardly feel the warmth of the Sun.
meteor crashing.jpg
One time there was a meteor shower that originated far away in the galaxy. A part of the shower happened to enter the solar system. It targeted the poor, old Pluto because Pluto was at the edge of the solar system and a very large planet. The collision broke off many large chunks of Pluto, causing Pluto to shrink to its current small size. So after that Pluto has become the smallest and coldest of all planets in the solar system. It is so small that some scientists even say that it is a “dwarf planet,” not a real planet. In my humble opinion, that is kind of insulting and unfair to Pluto, because Pluto sacrificed his largeness to protect the rest of the solar system. So I think all other planets in the solar system should be grateful to Pluto. If you don’t believe my theory, look it up on
PLUTO disney.jpg

Film Review: Gods of Egypt (PG-13)

July 12, 2016


On the way from Madison to Korea to visit my extended family, the plane I rode on had a touch screen in front of every seat. This time the movie selection was not that great, because there was not so many good movies for kids. Still, they had a handful of movies I enjoyed, including “Gods of Egypt.” “Gods of Egypt” is about the time when the gods Sett and Horace fought for the crown of Egypt, and Horace lost his eyeballs by his uncle, Sett. They were very special eyes, which let you see everywhere and everything you want. Horace, with a help of a thief, had to fight Sett’s army of monsters, demons, and soldiers to retrieve his all-seeing-eyes and liberate the Egyptian people from slavery. But Sett released the giant monster that was held captive by the Sun god for a long time because the monster could suck up a whole planet in ten minutes. Our heroes had to go through the obstacles that Sett’s architect had designed and fight Sett’s army. Will they destroy Sett once and for all, or will they fail and let Sett continue to rule Egypt forever? If you want to learn more, watch this movie. I recommend this movie. I would give seven or eight on a scale of one to ten. To help you understand my rating system, I would give ten out of ten to something like Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Hope you find this information helpful. 

Life without Mom

This summer my mom, whose profession is a graphic designer, has been away because she has a lot of work to do away from Madison. First, she went to Rhode Island, where she sent us some cool postcards. Then she went to New York City, where I was born and she has a lot of friends. From there, she traveled to North Carolina, to work at a craft school called, Penland. (Here is a picture of Penland, in case you’re wondering =>


She worked there for more than two weeks!!! During her time at Penland, she made some beautiful and special papers.

While she was gone, I lived with my dad. We called it “men cave time.” I felt kind of sad because she was not with us, but we still managed to have some fun. For example, we went to see the movie “Finding Dory” in the opening day. We also went to Camp Randall and sat on the football field to watch the movie “Zootopia.” It was very loud, but it was thrilling. After the movie, we biked home in the dark, but before heading home, we stopped by KWIK TRIP for some nighttime snack. My dad’s friend came to visit us and he got me a awesome lego set. It had all my favorite Marvel characters such as Winter Soldier and Black Panther. I thought he was a very nice person.

After more than three weeks of pain and sadness, my mother finally returned home and spent a week with us. We went to the Madison airport to welcome her back home. I felt so emotional to see her again after such a long depart. It was fantastic to have her back. I didn’t have to go to camp so that I could spend more time with mom. She took me to the new candy store on State street called IT’S SUGAR and bought me a bunch of candy. She also got me a skateboard. It was epic. And then on the tragic fourth of July, she went away again, this time to Chicago. So now I’m back in summer camp, but she is coming back on Friday, so I guess it’s not that bad. THE END

Monday, February 1, 2016

Demonios de Tasmania

<Demonios de Tasmania>
Demonios de Tasmania son como el wombat. Viven en Tasmania (un estado en Australia). Son animales nocturnos, que se dice pueden ver en el noche. Y son carnivoros, que comen Koalas tambien. Son muy ferozes y pelones.
Son mis animales favoritos por que son muy ferozes. Sus armmas mas importantes son sus garras. Si yo tenia un demonio yo tendra un demonio de Tasmania.
Ahora no tengo paginas asi que es el fin.

<Tasmanian Devils>
Tasmanian Devils are in the wombat family. They live in Tasmania, a place in Australia. They are nocturnal, meaning they can see in dark. And they are carnivorous, also eat Koalas. They are very fierce and hairy.
They are my favorite animals because they are fierce and cute. Their most important weapon is their claws. If I had a daemon, I would have them as my daemon.
I guess I’m out of pages, so this is the end.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


I recommend this book, the 5th and the final volume of the epic Percy Jackson series. This book is about Percy Jackson (the half-blood son of Poseidon, the god of sea) and his friends: Grover Underwood and Annabeth Chase. 

When the shadow of Cronus (the Titan lord who is the father of all Greek gods) falls upon the mount Olympus, the three half bloods are destined to either save the Olympians or let Cronus destroy Olympus. 

In the book, Greek myth comes alive! This book is awesome, funny and action-packed. This is my favorite in the series.

P.S. If you want to know more, get this book.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The house in the pond

When I went to the planet Tatooine, I visited the king's palace!!! 

Just kidding, LOL, I got you ;-) This is where I really was:

There is a house in the middle of the pond where the king used to party. It is a very fine and beautiful site. It is unreachable by foot, so you must take a boat like C.S Polaris II.

Not really, it doesn't have to be C.S. Polaris II, it can be just any canoe.

SUSHI HYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I went to Korea, the food was awesome! But the best feast of all was at Sushi Hyo. But what in the world does "Hyo" mean? It is a Chinese character that means loving your parents. At the restaurant, there were Sushis made of tuna, cod, shrimp, giant mussel, clam, mackerel, and squid. And I made great friends with the chef. I want to go back to Sushi Hyo when I am back in Seoul in summer!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Hi World!!!

Hi world,
PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cu'z I'm AJ, I'm the boss of this blog, so you better listen to meeee eeeee eeee eeee.
 Just kidding :-) Welcome to my ''diario''!

I'm a little kid, a 3rd grader, who likes SUSHI, Percy Jackson, math, chicken, THE HOBBIT, and a bunch of other stuff.

I will write about my exciting life as a 3rd grader in this town on the planet Hoth in this cosmos.



Thursday, January 14, 2016

커피샾에서 평화로운 목요일 아침

나름 포근한 목요일 아침. 어진이는 학교에 갔고 아직 학기가 시작되지 않은 아빠와 엄마는 커피가 떨어졌다는 핑계로 동네 커피샾 Collectivo에 와서 아주 맛있는 라떼를 마시며 일을 하고 있습니다. 큰 창으로 따스한 햇살이 드는 커피샾에서 열심히 논문을 읽고 있는 엄마의 모습이 보기 좋습니다. 대학에서 일하는 사람들이 많이 사는 동네라, 여기 저기 익숙한 얼굴들이 보입니다. 주말에 어진이랑 같이 오면 더 좋겠지요.

AJ Diary 다시 시작합니다.

오랫동안 문을 닫았던 AJ Diary가 다시 문을 열게 되었습니다. 여기는 이제 어진이 가족 세 사람이 이런 저런 살아가는 이야기들을 같이 나누는 자리가 될 것입니다. 지금까지는 사진에만 등장하던 어진이가 이제 직접 블로그에 글을 쓸 만큼 자랐으니 AJ Diary의 주인이 되는게 당연한 것이겠지요? 어진이, 그리고 어진이 엄마와 아빠가 올리는 글과 사진들, 많이 기대해 주세요~~

Friday, August 22, 2014

어진이 생일파티 풍경

사진작가인 어진이 친구 홀든 아빠가 찍어서 보내준 어진이 생일파티의 풍경들

이날 인기가 많았던 펀치풍선
엄마랑 어진이가 직접 장식한 컵케잌. 
3년째 쓰고 있는 다스 베이더 생일초. 초만 갈아서 몇년 더 쓸 수 있을듯.
학교 절친 홀리와 함께...
행사진행요원으로 수고중인 엄마와 아빠. 등에서 스티커 떼는 게임이 생각보다 열렬한 반응을 얻었다는...
비눗방울 놀이에 열중인 시우와 어진.
아빠도 열심...

Monday, August 18, 2014

해바라기 사진 몇 장 더...

해바라기 밭에 지는 해
돌담길과 큰 나무가 쇼생크 탈출을 연상시키는...

어진이 생일날 사진 몇 장 더...

생일 전날 시우랑 슬립오버, 그리고 다음 날도 아침, 점심, 저녁을 다 같이 먹으며 붙어서 놀았다. 점심은 동네 루이기 피자에서...
사이가 너무 좋은 어진이와 시우. 
동네 공원에서 어진이 생일파티 준비중. 
파티끝나고 성당 한국친구들과 남아서 좀 더 놀았다. 


Monday, August 11, 2014

2014년 8월: 다시 소박한 일상으로...

세인이네 떠나고 나서 다시 세 식구의 조용하고 소박한 일상으로... 아직 8월이 3주 남짓 남았지만 어쩐지 여름이 다 끝나버린 듯한 느낌. 아침, 저녁으로 선선하고 바삭바삭한 바람이 불어와서 벌써 초가을같은 기분?

어진이 보기에는 여러가지로 적절지 않지만, 너무 너무 보고싶어하는 어진이를 데리고 과감하게 Guardians of the Galaxy를 보러간 무책임한 아빠. 영화보고 나서 집에서나 차에서나 Awesome Mix Vol. 1이 배경음악이 되어버렸다. 겨울왕국 음악을 더 듣지 않아도 되서 매우 기쁜 아빠. 
엄마 아빠 다 학교에서 일이 있고, 캠프에는 가고 싶지 않고, 결국 아빠 연구실에 와서 한나절을 놀고 간 어진. 점심에 세 식구가 만나서 학교 식당에서 점심식사. 
엄마가 친구들과 저녁먹으로 나간 지난 금요일, 어진이와 아빠는 매디슨 반대쪽에 있는 옛날 살던 동네에 있는 식당까지 자전거를 타고가서 저녁을 먹고 왔다. 큰 밀크쉐이크를 하나씩 먹고 엄청난 양의 저녁식사를 흔적도 없이 먹어치웠지만, 다시 집까지 자전거를 타고 돌아오니 어느새 허전한 뱃속...

2014년 7월: 사촌들

한국에서 찾아온 사촌동생들과 함께 정신없이 신나게 지냈던 7월. 싸우면서 큰다더니 세인이 돌아갈 즈음해서는 둘 다 몸도 마음도 좀 더 자란 것 같기도 하고... 엄선한 어진과 세인의 나름 다정했던 순간들.